Saturday 1 October 2016

ABC Collection - Sac "ceinture" fleurs roses

I received this kit last Christmas and I decided it was time to put it together. My other half very kindly translated the pattern for me but in true fashion some of it didn't make sense once translated. Did you know that the call a french seam, "couture anglaise"?
So, I had to guess a little but I think it turned out well.
The biggest issue I had with this bag was the belt loops, the folded ends often slipped out of place even with wonder tape holding it in place. 
I'll be back soon with a post about my field trip.


  1. What a lovely bag! I am amused at "couture anglaise", someone somewhere decided to be snarky.

    1. I totally agree someone is sitting there giggling away to themselves. Thanks :)

  2. That's amazing! It's such a lovely bag. Looks like something you'd buy in a shop! :D


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